Welcome to the Reference Factory.H2 as Expert

In order to place your company in our reference factory and to give other companies the opportunity to find you, we would like to ask you to add your company profile to our database. By entering your company data, you create the basis for a successful cooperation and contribute to the fact that we can achieve our goals together. We look forward to your input and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


Company Information
Placement in the H2 value chain
H2-System components
Production system

The Reference Factory.H2 presents infrastructures and competences of all partners in the web portal.

For this purpose it is possible to include also your technological solutions. For this purpose we would like to ask you to provide us with your technology descriptive files. If you want to use several files (> 32MB), please send us a download or cloud link.

Please enter the name of the technology to be displayed.

This could be e.g. equipment, machine, tools, process.

upload datasheet

Where can this technology be used in the hydrogen system production value chain?

Please describe this briefly and/ or upload the data sheet (PDF). This could include e.g. outline of equipment, machine, tools, processes, services. This could include e.g. equipment, machine, tools, processes

Fotos and Videos

If you have technology-describing images or footage, please upload them here to further detail your solution and use. This material could include, for example, equipment, machinery, tools, processes or services and should be supplied in common formats such as JPG, PDF and MP4.

Product/ Services

Upload datasheet

Please describe this briefly and/ or upload the data sheet (PDF). This could include e.g. classification electrolyser/fuel cell, differentiation stack/system, functionality....

Fotos and Video

If you have descriptive image or film material, then upload this for further detail of your product or service. This could include, for example, overall shots, parameters, usage scenarios and should be supplied in common formats such as JPG, PDF and MP4.

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