2nd National Hydrogen Grand Prix (H2GP)

H2 goes to school

Learning doesn't have to be boring! We connect the highly relevant educational topic of hydrogen with exciting motorsport vibes and a high-class international event on the future of mobility! Here's how it works:

  1. Scientifically interested students and their teachers develop a race-ready, hydrogen-powered vehicle in a 1:10 scale from an "H2 Starterkit". They are supported, for example, by former participants and tailored coaching from our cooperation partner Horizon Educational.

  2. Design – build – race: Lots of team spirit, creativity, resourcefulness, and critical thinking bring the teams and their prototypes to a dress rehearsal on the race track, the Chemnitz Cup, at the end of April! The insights gained here regarding the performance of the exhibit can be implemented in the following weeks leading up to the finale.

  3. In June 2024, the time has finally come: The teams from all participating schools compete with their vehicles at the 2nd National Hydrogen Grand Prix on our racetrack at the Industriemuseum Chemnitz and impress the expert jury with their design and performance. The winners will earn a ticket to the world finals in the USA! Adrenaline and goosebumps guaranteed!

Patronage of the Referenzfabrik.H2
In times of climate change and far-reaching economic transformations, it is all the more important to impart elementary knowledge about hydrogen and its opportunities to the younger generation. Our patronage of the 2nd National Hydrogen Grand Prix is our way of building bridges between talented young researchers and the challenges of using renewable energies.

Want to find out more and take part?
Contact us now:

Katrin Zieger
Strategische Kommunikation | Referenzfabrik.H2
Tel. +49 371 5397 1094
Mobil +49 152 55294444
E-Mail: katrin.zieger@iwu.fraunhofer.de

Registration deadline: December 8, 2023.


What is the 2nd National Hydrogen Grand Prix (H2GP)?

The H2GP is a hydrogen-based educational program for high school students where they design, build and race hydrogen-powered RC cars. The program builds hydrogen skills through theoretical understanding and hands-on learning. The H2GP is based on three pillars: professional tools, a unique learning experience and fun races. The time for hydrogen education is NOW! You can find detailed information on the pages of our cooperation partner Horizon Educational.

Who can take part?

The H2GP is aimed at grammar school students, sixth formers and vocational school students (m/f/d) aged 16-19, i.e. tenth to twelfth graders/upper school students or trainees. In each case, 3-5 pupils and a supervisor (usually a teacher, AG leader, m/f/d) form a team. A school can also register several teams for participation. As the racing events take place in Chemnitz, we would mainly like to address schools from the Saxon region. However, schools from the rest of Germany are also welcome to participate if they are willing to travel.

What requirements must the participating team fulfill?

As the innovators of tomorrow, you will definitely have an interest in scientific and technical topics. You should also be able to work in a team, enjoy tinkering, experimenting and researching and be willing to travel to the two events in Chemnitz.

We are interested and would like to participate. What do we need to do now?

Please get in touch with Katrin Zieger, your contact person for the H2GP - see above for contact details. She will send you the application and registration documents and answer any questions you may have about the competition. The registration deadline is December 8, 2023.

What is the timeline for the competition?

December 2023: If you would like to take part, we will send you the registration documents by e-mail immediately. Once these have been returned, two former participants of this year's H2GP will be happy to present the project to you on site if you wish.

January 2024: Distribution of the starter kits to the teams, receipt of the competition conditions and training documents for the students and team coaches. Approx. end of January: Training workshops for team coaches.

February to April 2024: Development work on the vehicle.

April 2024: Trial race for all teams at the Chemnitz City Cup - location: probably Fraunhofer IWU Chemnitz. Then start of the second development and optimization phase on the vehicle in preparation for the race.

June 1, 2024: The time has come: The race for the 2nd National Hydrogen Grand Prix takes place in Chemnitz. The winners win a ticket to the grand world final. This will take place from September 9 to 12, 2024 in Anaheim, California.

Do we incur costs?

Each team is responsible for organizing and financing its own travel to the two racing events in Chemnitz.

Downloads: Infoflyer

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